Are there any online classes/workshops/tutorials for X6?

I would like to know if there are any classes or workshops or anything that I can take for X6. I've already followed unleashed and am ready for more with the new versions and someone different. I don't want to just go searching for specific things or how to's, I would like to follow a study of sorts, from start to end. Is there such a thing?

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  • Hi Stryder,
    I don't know what your skill levels are. However, if you are more or less of a beginner, there are two books which I liked very much.
    1. Photopaint 9 or Photopaint 10 -- both by David Huss. The books cover 95% of Photopaint X6.
    2. CorelDraw X- by Gary Bouton. You may be able to find an edition for DRAW X6.
    3. There are ebooks for version X7. However, I have no idea if they are any good or whether you can even buy them without buying X7.