Corel Draw X6 installation problem.

Hello guys,

I have a problem with CorelDraw X6 installation problem.

Recenlty I've updated my windows from 7 to 10, after that CorelDraw X6 was working perfectly.

Few weeks later, I decided to reinstall the windows, on windows clean installation I can't install CorelDraw X6 anymore.

I've contacted CorelDraw Chat "Chat now" and they told me CorelDraw x6 is not compatible with Windows 10 and I need to buy upgrade to x8, that was okay for me, but I also tried to install CorelDraw x6 on another pc and surprise surprise it work this time.

So my problem is still unsolved, on the PC where I need CorelDraw x6 I can't install, but on another windows 10 PC, it works.


I've also tried to uninstall

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2013/2015 Redistributable - x86/x64 9.0.30729.6161  ( because I saw on the community a post with some people facing this problem and that was the solution.)

I've also tried to uninstall Corel Draw x6 manually, from registry, appdata, program data, from anywhere I found "CorelDraw files".

It's still not working.

Thank you.

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