Running .csc script in Windows 11

I've just moved over to Windows 11 with my trusty copy of CorelDraw 6 and various scripts saved as individual .csc files.  When I try to open the scripts directly (as I would from my old Windows 7 machine), they just open up in editor and don't actually run ... and if I try opening them from within Corel, I get error messages "contains an error and could not be run" and "could not initialise scripting engine". 

I use the scripts to copy/paste content multiple times into specific places in a new document.

Has anyone any thoughts or help about:

a) how to get scripts to run in Windows 11 (my preferred option, as I have a lot of content created in Corel Draw 6 that I tweak and replicate)

b) is there a 'debug' function I can run on the scripts (I have very limited scripting knowledge/experience, it's all been a bit trial and error)

c) if there's an alternative way to automate copy/paste/position content into a new (printable) file - even Word would do. - Maybe a macro in Word would do the exact same job?

Thanks in advance.

No Data
  • The file extension .csc used in early versions of CorelDRAW (from 6 to 9) was replaced by the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) platform in CorelDRAW 10. In fact, this is a normal text document containing the source code of a Corel Script or VBA program (macro) and created for execution in the environment of the CorelDRAW package. Any Corel Script script (.csc) can be opened and edited in a text editor. Then the text from the .csc file can be written into a .gms file and placed in the CorelDraw program folder
    (For example: c:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8\Draw\GMS\)
    Should work.
    If there are any difficulties, send me the file at, I will try.
