Why won't CorelDRAW print to my Roland Camm 1 anymore?

As of about 2 weeks ago, my CorelDRAW completely quit communicating with my Roland CAMM 1 GX24 cutter. Nothing changed. No updates, no new drivers. It just quit getting signal when I would go to "Print" to the cutter.

Anyone else have this issue? I now have to export to an EPS and import to another program (Cutstudio) in order to send things to the cutter. This is a real pain since before I was going directly to the machine.

I'm using CorelDRAW X7 on the latest update. 64 bit.

My PC is nearly brand new. i5 Skylake @ 4.4ghz, 32gb RAM, GTX 970 Video Card, 500gb SSD. Win 10 64 Bit

Thanks for any help!

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  • Hello unt0uchable; CorelDRAW Doesn't have Any drivers to run any kind of printer or Cutter. it has to be a third party program that has a macro to send it a file, or use Windows to get the driver. You could look and see if the driver is still loaded or reload the driver. It maybe easier to load the program Again. I use SignLab to cut with and all they are doing is Coping what I have done ind CorelDRAW and pasting it in there program. You can try coping the art work you want to cut and pasting it in there program. I would Convert to Curves first. ( that may take care of any problems you may have with the program looking at the work.
