Macro for positioning and copying object side by side.


   Can anyone suggest me a macro for what we do using Transformation >> Position . I want to copy multiple instances of an object placed next (Right)to each other. 

  • it's very nice to see how useful can be a macro for repetitive task.

    If the object is a regular shape (such as a rectangle) it's quite easy to duplicate it using "snap to objects" than drag and right-click, or just do a mirror moving a handle and right-click, then repeat.


    But of course, if you must do the same job several times, or if it's an irregular shape, a "simple" macro willl make the difference.

    I use theTiler macro from Oberon everyday. You can also set the distance between ojects and add cropmarks.

    If there're different objects, the Align-Outside Macro could also be useful.

    I will try the previous macros later. But it's very good to find several options and several macros for solve each problem

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