Macro Export JPEG to Folder Location.

Hello, I have trying to make a export JPG macro. I tried to make a recording but it doesn't do anything when I export a JPG. How do I make a macro to export a JPEG. I want to make one because I always save as JPG, RGB, 200 resolution.

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  • Keeping it simple you can do something like this:

    Sub ExportJPEG()
        Dim opt As New StructExportOptions
        ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch
        opt.AntiAliasingType = cdrNormalAntiAliasing
        opt.ImageType = cdrRGBColorImage
        opt.Overwrite = True
        opt.ResolutionX = 200
        opt.ResolutionY = 200
        opt.SizeX = opt.ResolutionX * ActiveSelectionRange.SizeWidth
        opt.SizeY = opt.ResolutionY * ActiveSelectionRange.SizeHeight
        ActiveDocument.Export "C:\Temp\Export.jpg", cdrJPEG, cdrSelection, opt
    End Sub

