Master Pages -- making them more flexible

At present, master layers must exist on every page in a document.

If you want a master layer not to appear on a page, such as suppressing it on the front and back covers of a multipage booklet, you have to implement a work-round -- such as blanking the master elements with a white rectangle. This may not always be convenient, especially if the page has an overall background tint or image.

A better idea -- by enabling a new "Flexible Master Pages" option (configurable "for the current document" rather than universally for a particular installation), the object manager will show the names of master layers on each page to which the layer can potentially apply.

Result: it could then be easy to turn a layer on or off on any given page, simply by clicking the usual display/print icons for that layer on that page.


In the above, I have shown master layers called Widgets and orders (forget the odd and even for the moment).

On PAGE 3 I have turned off display and print of the Widgets Layer. Thus, the elements of my widgets layer will appear and print on pages 1 and 2, but not on page 3.

Having (hopefully)understood the above ...

The concept can then be extended with enhanced Layer Attributes to make master layers even more flexible.

The present layer attributes: Display, Print, Edit -- these continue to perform their existing functions

Enhanced attributes could include:

  • ODD pages only -- the master layer is initially turned ON for odd numbered pages and OFF for even numbered pages. (But on odd pages, it can still be turned off using the display/print attributes on that page).
  • EVEN pages only -- the converse of above
  • AUTO -- an editable COPY of this layer is created whenever a page is inserted or appended into a document. To mimic current functionality, the master page of a newly created document should have ONE empty master page layer defined as AUTOMATIC and called Layer 1.

    (Note: auto pages can also have the ODD or EVEN attribute to limit which pages they are copied to).

  • ACTIVE -- an additional attribute applied to an editable layer which causes that layer to become the active layer whenever the user changes between pages.

In the example, my "Borders Odd" layer has the ODD PAGES ONLY attribute and therefore appears only on pages 1 and 3. Similarly "Borders Even" appears only on page 2. I could nevertheless turn borders off on a particular page by removing the display/print icons for that page.

If I append two pages, then page 4 will initially be created to display and print the Borders Even layer and the widgets, and also to have a Layer 1 and a Layer 2. But above all, it will ensure that those layers are create in the front-to-back order as specified on the master page. Thus, my borders are guaranteed to be behind both layers but my widgets layer appears between layers 1 and 2.

A minor paradox occurs if a document uses layers with ODD or EVEN attributes and inserts an odd number of pages. Should the subsequent pages retain their current master pages, or should they be updated to ensure that the newly renumbered pages always have the "proper" master page? I think the latter is probably desirable, bearing in mind the likely intention of having odd/even master layers -- but the user should probably be warned what will happen, and be given the choice of inserting an even number of pages instead.

  • I agree, I believe that Master pages must have a great improvement for the next release. For example, allows to have disable master iten for the selected page, or to have "left", "right" and "blank" master page, and also, allows to start of any number (actually, all documents starts from 1). And, of course, must include the page numbering....

    If the Page Sorter view was includes in the Object manager wil be easy to mode and rename pages. For access to the layers, just double click on the selected page. And of course, enable or disable the thumbnails, for a fast view..

    I hope that at least some of those kinds of improvements will be included in the next release

    • No work around required Harry! No "cover this" required. Simply, on the page in question, turn off the "eye" and the "print" in the object manager. Done. Far easier than in any previous release!

      • Hi, Paul, you are right, but remember that for apply this option only for the selected page, you must go to the third icon, and disable the Master Page only for the selected page. If not, it will disable the Master page for all pages. Is not hard to find, but is not so easy.


        have a nice day!


        • In olden days (X3 and before) that was the case, but not in X4. It is fully automatic Ariel. I've done it dozens of times with no problems--just did one two days ago. (I can't count the number of times I forgot and completely messed up an 80 page horror show of several mix and match master layers from when that file was born many years ago through X3. The X4 simplicity alone would be th justification for purchasing X4! Love that aspect of it.

          That job from two days ago involved 6 different pages, with some shared common layers between various but not all pages. And one master layer which needs to be turned on or off quite frequently (the bleed layer for the packaging. I needed two versions of the same job (different text) and versions of each with (for the printers) and without (for the client and his distributors to view) and the bleed). Great to be able to kill master layers on a page basis without taking my life in my hands.

          Ariel wrote:

          Hi, Paul, you are right, but remember that for apply this option only for the selected page, you must go to the third icon, and disable the Master Page only for the selected page. If not, it will disable the Master page for all pages. Is not hard to find, but is not so easy.


          have a nice day!


          Ariel Garaza Díaz

          Madrid, Spain

          • Well at least your explanation helps me understand why anyone would like the X4 handling of layers. It just really annoys me that after entering a number of pages that you cannot enter a new master layer that will appear on every page with one command like previous versions. Frankly if I have to do master layers, I just use X3. How is something a master layer when it only appears on one page, by default? I don't get it. Why is this easier than creating another layer and putting the changing text on this layer and cutting and pasting from page to page?? To me the effort to do the activating of the "master" layer on various pages is no easier than pasting stuff on various pages on a regular layer. I just can't see the advantage of these so-called master layers.

            • hi Sue,
              I thought the same thing at first... turns out you need to create themaster layer on put on the master page. a bit confusing... but then your art will be on all pages.
              Thankfully Brian has solved these shortcomings with this FREE macro, and made generally layer handling better in many ways.
              For ex... consolidating layers, and deleting empty ones. Draw could never do these things before so painlessly.
              <twodaytshirts> wrote in message

              I just can't see the advantage of these so-called master layers.

              • Now you get how it works don't try to fight it just change how you work to work with the program.

                Why now just created 10 (or some likely number) master layers at the start and if you don't use them you can always get fussy and delete them later.

                No doubt there is an opportunity here for a macro that establishes presets...

                New (driver by macro) document

                L+R pages ()

                Additional Master Layers ()

                Naming Layout (Cover, Inside cover, page 1, 2, 3... Index)

                CM model


                Bring the lot together as a Starter Macro. Maybe use a template for some of the options. Mix the 2 concepts together.

                Anyway it's just a thought. The big thing with Draw is to work the way it likes to work. (or any other app) Sometimes it takes a bit to get a handle on that. Even the beta team had to do some lessons to understand the new layers process. And some changes were made to it early on to make it more flexible.

                I wouldn't be giving up X4 because of how layers work. The old way was very limited. You couldn't deal with any sort of L + R issue or separate masters for specific pages. It's worth making it your friend.


                • Look at that Jeff is on the case already. While I was typing even. ;)



                • Paul McGee said:
                  Far easier than in any previous release!

                  Thanks Paul, that is indeed very useful. And to Ariel for explaining that the facility exists only in the layers view.

                  But Corel needs to update the help file when it introduces enhancements like this. The help file in X4 categorically states that master layers appear on all pages and thus completely fails to say where to turn them for individual pages.

                  As the saying goes, "the job isn't done until the paperwork is complete". Which in these days of electronic paper must include the help file as well as the used trees (though a quick glance at the index at the back of the manual suggests I wouldn't have found it there either).

                  I'll also go back to my original post, and ask -- with layers now being optional on individual pages, shouldn't the object manager be capable of showing those layers in the MULTIPAGE view?

                  That surely would be the simplest way of checking at a glance that a layer appears on the correct pages, and is probably also the most intuitive place for users to turn them off for pages where they are not required ?

                  • I think corel developers need to work a bit more on the master pages, and page numbering etc. as i discussed ealier in the post also.

                    they need to give it a new look, something new!!

                    • Hi Harry, You can see which master layers are active or not in multipage view (as you have referred to it); you just can't turn them on and off individually from there. It works like this: - In Multipage View clicking the eye/printer icons will turn the Master Layer on/off ON ALL PAGES - in Layer Manager View clicking the eye/printer icons will turn on/off the Master Layer on the INDIVIDUAL PAGE ONLY HOWEVER, if you turn a Master Page off for individual pages in Layer Manager view and then shift back to Multipage view for working, the icons will appear active on every page the Master Page is active, and will appear OFF on every page the Master Page is inactive. Best regards,.
                      • Oh in case you are using some other version X4 has all the layer improvements.


                        • Hi Brian,

                          It's quite an old topic, but I still have some question about master page. I'm using CD X4 and I try to insert a page number that will change automatically on each page, is there any improvement  for page numbering? I need ti publish it to PDF.

                          I've already read about some solutions like using the built-in macro or using a field from Print Merge. Print Merge could work fine but it is good only for repeatable page (tickets etc.) and then it works only if you use a Perform Merge for printing (it won't work when published to PDF); and macro is only good for a one-time use. But what can I do when I have a portfolio which is constantly being updated and pages deleted or inserted and I want my pages to be updated automatically during that process. Is there some auto-field option like in MS Word?

                          The field that would read current page position in document and could be turned on/off from the Master Layer.

                          • FWIW the built in macro can remove it's own number. Then you can apply
                            the new page numbers.

                            That said, there is a much more powerful macro available from
                            macromonster. While it won't automatically update numbering, simply
                            rerunning it will update the page numbers or even reposition them,
                            getting rid of the old numbers in the process. Also recognizes facing
                            pages for (typically) double sided work. But still in love with first
                            page is 1 though (sometimes it isn't Jeff/Shelby!!!) Does the job for me
                            in almost all cases.

                            Click to show quoted text
                            On 1/09/11 5:34 PM, Mstars wrote:
                            > I've already read about some solutions like using the built-in macro

                            Paul McGee
                            St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
                        • Hi Harry,

                          I have become a little confused in here as to what each person is saying...but just so that you are clear on this...Master Layers can be turned off individually from page to page. I do it all the time. Let's say you add a master layer called Logo and you have a logo in the same position on every page...but you don't want it on front and back covers. Simply proceed as follows:


                          • Click on the Layer Manager View button (3rd button along at the top of the Object Manger)
                          • Navigate to page 1 (your front cover) and uncheck BOTH the Visibility (eye) icon and the Printer icon for the Master Logo layer (every master layer will begin with the word Master in this view, so your Logo layer appears as Master Logo) 
                          • Navigate to your last page (back cover) and do the same


                          It doesn't get easier than that. Just make sure you remember to turn the Printer icons off, or your logo layer will still print even though you cannot see it on your monitor. Here is a quick tip for you if you didn't already know it: Clicking on F9 gives you a Print Preview. It is not just a full screen preview! It will ONLY show you what is going to print. Another thing you may not know is that you can arrow back and forth through every page of your document in full screen view.

                          Personally, I think the master layers are brilliant in X4.

                          Oops, I just finished typing this message and realised that Paul already said this (in far less words!! I can tell you are a desktop publisher, Paul) right back near the top of the thread.