CorelDRAW X7 Suggestion Series -- Path Shaping #1 -- Types

This is a first in a series of suggestions that focus solely on Shaping.  Other suggestion topics that are imperatives to achieve true design production efficiency, second only to Shaping, are Transformation, Navigation and Arrangement.  All other topics, though important, have more marginal effects on design production optimization.

The first and most important factor of creative efficiency is to grant the user greater control based on natural intuitive perception of discrete objects.  To do this, analyze each discrete object (human-witnessable object, whether or not it's programmatically identified as an object), in this case Nodes and Segments both controlled by the relationship of Control Point pairs (Siblings or Peers).  Below are all possible, logical relationships of CPs in controlling the shape of a path.

Since virtually all vector design work employs Shaping of a Path and Shaping constitutes approximately 65% of all user events to achieve a finished object, it is imperative that Shaping be seriously addressed in future versions in order to achieve the greatest time savings in design production.

Path Shaping

Node Types (relationship between sibling Control Points of a single parent Node)

  1. Asymmetrical Smooth (existing)
    cp1º <> cp2º; cp1L <> cp2L
  2. Symmetrical Smooth (existing)
    cp1º = cp2º-180º; cp1L = cp2L
  3. Asymmetrical Cusp (existing)
    cp1º <> cp2º; cp1L <> cp2L
  4. Symmetrical Cusp (NEW)
    cp1º = cp2º(inverted on Node's Y Axis); cp1L = cp2L
Segment Types (relationship between peer Control Points of sibling Nodes of a Segment)
  1. Straight Line (existing)
    cp1º = cp2º = 0; cp1L = cp2L = 0
  2. Asymmetrical Curve (existing)
    cp1º <> cp2º; cp1L <> cp2L
  3. Symmetrical Curve (NEW)
    cp1º = cp2º (inverted on Segment's Y Axis); cp1L = cp2L
  4. Symmetrical Wave (NEW)
    cp1º = cp2º (inverted on Segment's X Axis); cp1L = cp2L
  5. Radius Curve (NEW)
    cp1º (limited) = cp2º (limited); cp1L (limited) = cp2L (limited)
    Controlled by dragging (or parametric values) of Segment Origin to establish radius


That is it for Path Shaping #1 -- Types
Parents Reply Children