Serious problem or bug

Hi Everybody,

Is this a serious problem or a bug.

Many mid to high level cameras do not embed a profile.  They simply give the name of the color space in the EXIF data -- usually either  sRGB or Adobe RGB.  For Adobe RGB, that saves bout 500 Kb.

So here's the "problem" or "bug". 

CDGS has chosen to ignore the EXIF data both on both OPEN and SAVE.

Before I realized what was happening, I would occasionally take a shot in Adobe RGB if the scene looked colorful.  It always came out looking a lot duller on the monitor.
No kidding.  Photopaint assumed that it was in sRGB.  Photopaint never realized that the shot was in Adobe RGB.

I still avoid taking photos in Adobe RGB.  I'm not about to carry a notebook with me to record the color space of each shot.
Photopaint should get its act together on EXIF data.

Then again, crashes and missing CPT thumbnails are a much bigger issue,  I have to use CDGS X6.  I'll probably pass on CDGS X8.  Who needs the aggravation for almost nothing in return.



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