CorelDRAW and Backup Files. Whats up with them...

I always get this files in with my production files. and I have specified under the Save Options to save them in the Temp folder, I tried to create a folder and tell it to save them there... and I still get then where ever my original file was. can some one tell me the trick to getting this to stop?

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  • Here's what I've noticed- autobackup saves while you work, whether you have or have not saved the file (untitled or no). If a crash occurs that ends the program, upon reopening it will ask about opening a backup. This is not 100% reliable and seems to depend on the type of crash. The backup on save simply creates a copy when you save the file. This can be useful if you open the file again, work for a while, something goes wrong etc. the backup will still be there. The flaw with autobackup is that it does not KEEP the latest autobackup should the file/program close- saved or not. This is a peeve of mine. The purpose of autobackup should be to essentially save a file as you work, and that save should be available regardless. Especially since we all know that Corel has some stability issues and "stops working" from time to time. I have found that Win7 and now Win8.1 are better at giving applications the time to recover.

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