Font Color Changes to blue with underline


I am facing this weird problem of late

I typed a certain matter in normal font with black color but the moment I added an email ID to the text, The color of the text changed to blue with an underline. Please read that the color of the text changed from black to blue, Initially in Corel Draw X6 only the color of the email ID changed which was quite normal as we could change it back to black and remove the outline. But here I am trying to change the color from blue to black and remove the underline it just doesnt happen no matter how much I click on Black fill and Underline Tab. 

This is kinda weird

I recently went through the X7 Update so I don't know whether this is an update issue or on old issue.

Though I removed the automatic hyperlink option from the options - Text Properties - Quick Correct.

But that's not an issue. The issue is if the automatic hyperlink is checked, the color changes to blue and refuses to change to any other color n refuses to remove the undreline.

I am attaching the affected file herewith


  • Now that you have turned the hyperlink option off, I think you will be able to fix this problem by selecting that middle block of text (including at least one black character before and after it), copy it into notepad, copy the result back to clipboard and then paste it in place of the original.


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