Dual versions of CorelDRAW creating problems with inline PhotoPAINT editing

At home I have CorelDRAW 12 and an education version of CorelDRAW X7.  I need to have both versions as CorelDRAW-12 is the only version we have at the office and my daughter is learning Corel with X7.

This creates a problem whenever I double-click an image in Corel-12 at home. It should open in PhotoPAINT 12 but it opens in PhotoPAINT X7. Is there any way to change this behavior? I need to open an image from CorelDRAW-12 in PhotoPAINT-12 and similarly for X7.

I would appreciate a workaround (no problem with system level editing or registry tweaks if necessary). I am using Windows 7 Professional on my home desktop.

Thank you in advance for a working solution.
