Snap to will not turn off

For some reason 'snap to' will not turn off.  I've done the obvious by clicking the snap to drop down and checking them on and off, and by going to snap to in the 'View' drop down.  Everything shows that all are turned off, all are acting as turned on.  I haven't changed anything, at least to my knowledge.  It simply started a few weeks ago and is driving me mad.  Hopefully someone out there knows how to fix this.  I'm betting it's something simple.  I watched a video that showed going to set up in the view drop down to make changes, but I have to set up option under the view tab.  Thank you for your help!

Parents Reply
  • Clutching at straws in my technological ignorance, I'm thinking this points to a glitch in Corel rather than the OS, not that it really makes much difference - I'm just happy that it's back again.

    Some problems that can occur with the CorelDRAW workspace(s) are essentially "black box" to almost everyone who uses this software. If CorelDRAW gets a mysterious tummyache, and an F8 workspace reset clears up the problem, it's usually the case that nobody knows exactly what the problem was.

    The fact that you are aware of the existence of workspaces and the ability to save/load them makes you more savvy about this than many users!

    As a precaution, I have a FreeFileSync job set up that maintains a "mirror" of the folder where my CorelDRAW workspaces are stored. When that job updates the mirror, any file in the mirror that needs to be updated or deleted is moved to a specified folder, with a time stamp appended to the filename.

    So, without much effort, I have a fairly granular history of workspaces available if I ever want to "turn back time".

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