Marcos for newbie, I am starting from scratch

Hello CorelDraw Experts,

I would like to start learning and working with macros. It said in Corel Help that I need a Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. What  Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 do I need and where do I get it? There are so many apps and I am not sure which one to download. Could someone please point me to a link?

I use CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7. I found a tutorial on the Internet but when I go to Tools - Macros - Start Recording, I can not Save Macros, the area in the window is blank.

I wrote to Corel technical support but the answer was: "... we do not have support regarding MACROS because that is out of our scope. However, I would like you to refer on our forums and ask our experts there..."

So where do I start? Could someone direct me, please?

Thank you in advance.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you. How do I know if I have a workspace?

    You are always working in some sort of workspace - either one of the ones provided by default, or one that you have intentionally created:

    If you have significant effort invested in customizing your workspace, then it may be worth making sure that you don't lose the results of that effort.

    If a workspace is deleted during an uninstall of CorelDRAW, or becomes corrupted in some way, then you would end up going back to a default workspace without customization. As a precaution, I back up any workspace (.cdws) files that I care about. Whether you intentionally make changes or not, your workspace file is changing all the time!

    Those .cdws files live in your "user" AppData folder - something like "C:\Users\Foo\AppData\Roaming\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8\Draw\Workspace" (if your username is "Foo").

    That folder is hidden by default. Here's one article (I'm sure there are many) that discusses this folder and shows a shortcut way to get to it: What's in the hidden Windows AppData Folder, and how to find it if you need it.

    With respect to backup copies of workspace files, I go with the idea that it's better to "have it and not need it" rather than to "need it and hot have it".
