I had a Tiler macro installed in X5 and X6; you can see it here: http://www.oberonplace.com/vba/drawmacros/tiler.htm This is a very handy tool for doing both vertical & horizontal duplicates at the same time (as opposed to just the vertical or horizontal “step and repeat” offered in CorelDraw). Unfortunately, in X7 the icon is disappearing from the toolbar the moment you click on any object that you wish to duplicate. You can get to it manually by going: Tools > Macros > Run Macros > and then select the Tiler macro from the list available. The Tiler window will then appear and function, but how can we get the icon to not disappear from the toolbar, and to work as normal?
Don't know what your problem may be, whether it is a bug or if there is something wrong within the Windows, or what.
Anyway, what I do, is to create a new Toolbar and place all my macros, that I use daily, in that new toolbar. Further, I dock the new toolbar AFTER the Property bar, so that as the Property Bar contents change, due to what I am doing at the time, my Macros, in my own toolbar, do not change, move or disappear.
You may want to try this instead of trying to place the macro icon in the Property Bar.
I've had the same problem with a few of my tool bar items not working when I've added new things. This has made them work. I find I basically have to restart corel to make them 'active'.
Hugh: I tried this just now, and could only get a generic macro toolbar in the toolbar section, but I might be missing something - you'd likely need to provide me with a step-by-step procedure for this.
Mike: I got stuck on your first step. No comprende:
Sorry, that should have said 'commands' not command bars. Basically, remove it, then restart corel, then add it, save it, restart corel again, and then it should work.