I want to do the following (to get finaly a picture useable as wallpaper for a system with 2 monitors, so please check only the lower part of the pictures)
I want to insert (via VBA) a picture, intersecet it with a shape to have only a picture with an upright standing woman:
This works fine so far. As next step I duplicate this picture and place it left to the master:
This works also fine.
Now I want to weld both pictures as one object (to assign the left part a transparency). But what happens then:
I do not see the girl twice anymore, but that part of the picture I cut of before?
Is this an handling error or Corel Bug?
Guess that's how Corel thinks is the way bitmaps must be welded!
For now your only option may be to just select both and Convert to Bitmap.
You're looking for convert to bitmap, not weld. Weld combines shapes, not fills (or in your case, the image). This is similar to when you weld a red circle with blue circle, the shape will be welded, but the fill will either be completely blue or red.
That makes perfect sense Hendrik