Font Navigator

The Font Navigator that comes with X7 shows as

The X6 one shows a

There is a behavior I am not sure is just my system, a bug, or other.  In the X6 Font Navigator, you can select the drop down item and browse to a folder where your fonts are located.  From there you can select the fonts you wish, right click and add to font catalog.  From there you can drag them into a font group to quickly add them to that group.

In X7, when I select the drop down and go to a folder, the folders sub contents are not shown.  

I could deal with just using X6, but it seems to have become unstable and is crashing when I add fonts.  My hope was X7 would be more stable.  But without the ability to browse to a folder, its pretty useless.

Does the font navigator that comes X7 and X6 share settings?  Could that cause problems? 

Can one with the font navigator from X7 verify this is happening so I can tell if it is just my system?

A picture, a thousand words:  


  • When I upgraded from X5 to X6 I had loads of problems from having two versions of FontNav installed. Before I installed X7 I uninstalled the X6 version of FontNav. The only thing I did was save the files in C:\ProgramData\Bitstream\Font Navigator\6.0\Groups and C:\ProgramData\Bitstream\Font Navigator\6.0\Data_NT\FontNav.fdb in case they got deleted. I can't remember whether they did or not, but as soon as I installed X7 the new version of FontNav recognised the database and group files and it worked first time.

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