Is some way possible to make an effect on text (editable or in curve) and save with custom name and if possible preview?
If I make effect on text, how can save it to be used again on other text?
can you give an example of "text effect"
Just a usual text effect with background, bevel, color to be saved and to be used again with one click on new document!
Are you talking about CorelDRAW or Corel PhotoPaint? the "layer effects" sounds like a Photoshop layers effects.
I think I know what you mean. You add effects to text in Draw and want to duplicate the same effect to a different file. Try this.
In Draw choose the attribute eyedropper from the tool bar. Look at the top of the screen and check it all, everything you see under properties, transform, effects drop downs. Then with the eyedropper sample your effects. Then with the bucket paste your effects to your new or other text.