Need help (new to corel draw)

Hello everyone. I am new to CorelDRAW but i am familiar with some others programs (Photoshop, etc).

I need a vector based outline of a human body from a picture bellow. I need only outline so the printer will know where to cut the sticker foil. I dont need it to be detailed. I would even prefer to bo more cartoonish with straight line instead of round ones.

I already did the cutout in Photoshop and then imported it to CorelDRAW but the lines were too jagged.

I would really appreciate some help!


  • Hello zormanze; You can reduce the nodes in X7, then you can edit the others.


    • where can i find this toolbar?

      actually now i imported bitmap and used outline trace and got what a was trying to get. now i just have to reduce whole silhouette to just the outline (the line where printer will cut the foil). any idea?

      thank you!

      • Not sure if it will work, but try selecting all the objects and welding them.

        Or, select all the objects and create a boundary.

        • zoirmanze the screen shot of the menu bar is for the node edit tool. Most Tools have a menu bar that pops up when they are selected. But as Phil said above if I only wanted the man, I would draw around the man ( Locking the pic. first so it doesn't get moved around.) It takes a little practice using the drawing tools but it's something that you will have to know to do for making graphics for something. Most of us here do some type of drawing  with at least one of the drawing tools every work day.


          • Thank you Mike in Canada - something else I've learnt.

        • Hi,
          I don't fully understand your problem.
          However, I have found the Path (aka Pen, Bezier, etc.) tool to be
          excellent for making smooth outlines. I make many nodes to follow the
          contour. I convert all the nodes to curves. (Take your pick of which kind
          of curve node to choose for each node.) Then I delete as many as possible
          while still keeping the desired shape. Then I convert the path to a
          Selection and then to a layer.
          I now only use PhotoPaint but I remember that the process was almost
          identical in DRAW.
          If you have never used the Path tool you are in for a steep learning
          curve. However, it is well worth the effort. I don't know of any other way
          to get a very smooth outline.
            • Going this direction will give you a clean cutcontour (Less Nodes) for the printer


              • Hello Chris,

                "Fill with black"?  I am stumped here!

                How did you manage to fill a specific part of a bitmap with black, unless you had probably masked it out prior to  the fill? Am I missing something here?


                • Hey Suku,

                  Yes it was deep etched on a transparent back ground.

                  Same as what Mike had then fill with black and flatten, save as JPG and Autotrace in CDR

                  • Deep etched? Er...Ok.. Officially out of  my depth here.

                    But thanks for confusing the hell out of me :)

                    • suku said:
                      Deep etched? Er...Ok.. Officially out of  my depth here.

                      Sorry about that!


                      "Deep etching is what Australians call the process of cutting a foreground object out of the background of a digital image. This term is not used in the UK and Ireland, AFAIK, and possibly not in North America either."

                      It's what the old Crossfield and Scitek users used to call the process.