Hello, I am a complete newbie to CorelDraw. I am attempting to trace a blueprint, I have scanned it in and scaled it on the first layer. I created a new layer and began drawing lines. I can't seem to edit the lines in shape mode. I tried to hiding the first layer but that does not work either. I've practiced drawing shapes and lines on a blank canvas and I do not have any problems editing in shape mode, so I am assuming that I am not using the layers right.
There is a setting called edit across layers which could possibly be causing this.
When this is off, you can only edit objects in the selected layer -- which means you must select the layer containing your lines before you can select any of the lines for editing. Or, you can turn the option on and should then be able to select and edit objects in all layers.
Thanks for the help, but maybe I have a bigger problem. What I've noticed now is when I enter shape mode and I click a node they all light up. Also I cannot lasso in shape mode at all, and I can not get the manipulation icons-such as convert to curve or smooth node. When I click on a node those icons disappear and I get the object size and origin replacing those icons.
You'er overthinking this and it's much easier, but has nothing to do with layers.Left click to select the scanned bit map.
Now Right Click an a pop-up appears. Look at this list - two or three down you'll see these options: Quick Trace --- Outline Trace -- Center Line Trace.
All of these trace's have setting that you can adjust till you find exactly what works best.
Let me know f you need more help.
Thanks for the tip, but I should probably explain what I plan to do. I am planning on taking a 3d object and laying it out flat in vector lines so it can be printed or cut. So each part from the blueprint needs to be drawn out and eventually put on a page by itself. Maybe a Cad program or Corel Draw Technical Suite would be a better choice. I am not sure how the last two programs work but I would like to create the part in 3d form and deconstruct it into a flat layout to be printed.
If I am getting you correct, I think you might be using Pick tool instead of Shape tool.
Mackdog said:Also I cannot lasso in shape mode at all, and I can not get the manipulation icons-such as convert to curve or smooth node. When I click on a node those icons disappear and I get the object size and origin replacing those icons.