Problem with Simple Fountain Fill

So I want to do a simple gold-yellow-gold-yellow-gold fountain fill in X7.

In X6, I can just choose the Gold preset and change accordingly.

In X7, I'm lost.
First, there is no more presets. 
Second, when I try to choose the node color, there is  no standard colors with names to choose from (Gold in this case).
If I try to pick the color (e.g. Yellow) from the color palette, the default color palette is PANTONE Solid Coated instead of CMYK.

And there is no more Edge pad option.

That is ridiculously troublesome for a simple task.

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  • Hi Michael,

    Fountain Fill and other fills recoded in X7 and X7 brings a lot of new features with fills.

    1. There are a lot of preset more than previous versions. You should sign in CorelDRAW as a standart (or premium, if you have) member and you'll see all of the fill presets. And you can create and save preset private or public. That's mean is you can access all of the preset which shared via other CorelDRAW users.

    2. You can access to the CMYK color selector by clicking to "show color viewers" button.

    3. The edge pad changed and developed. You can use "Acceleration" option.

    And you can find all about of the new fountain fills in Hendrik's post: