I am scanning detailed hard line black and white pen drawings. no shading and once i do,

i am trying to trace them to have vector images i can manipulate, but every type of TRACE ruins the drawings. Is there a better way i can go about scanning my drawings or TRACING them for manipulation and clean up

Also how can i have the "black" in the images to be recognized as borders to manipulate.

Thank you for your time.


Please just let me know the steps to cure my ignorance in this aspect of the corel software.

  • they are all completely full 8.5 x 11 computer paper with designs and this is a half scaled down so they would allow me to upload it all this is a simple pattern sheet but basically they are all like this but are darker and more scenic, Also i have tried the scan in grey scale and black and white only i was reading that i should be using gray scale but even then when it came time to do trace, it ruined the image.

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