picture too big

I can't find the faq, so I have to ask a  very newbie question. The picture i imported from the camera is too big for me to work with, cant even get the handle to zoom in. Thx in advance

  • Start by pressing F4 -- this should zoom out so that the objects fit the screen, even if they are bigger than your page. You should then have handles available to shrink your image.

    You will probably also find it useful to turn on some preset guidelines so you can easily see where to move the handles.

    Double click on a ruler to bring up this screen (or if you don't have rulers displayed, go to tools > options from the menu):

    You will probably need to expand guidelines to reach the presets. Select the presets you want, and click on ApplyPresets then OK to close the screen.

    Make sure that view > guidelines is on and optionally turn on view > snap to > guidellines. With the image selected, you will now see something like this:

    where you can see the page area and any other presets you have chosen. Drag a corner handle until it reaches a guideline (it should snap there if you have that option on) and it is especially useful to drag the corner with the shift key held down, which means the opposite handle will also move in to match it.

    You now have the image wholly inside the page and can press F4 to fit to screen again to make any further adjustments.

    • Thank you Harry, Myron and Chris. Pressing F4 solves the problem. I'm working on how to apply presets. I am grateful for the quick and more than expected reply, thanks again.
    • You may need to be more specific. There is no camera out there that produces a picture in RAW format that would be too big for corel. Too big dimensional or too big file size? Import the pic and hit p on the keyboard (centers to page) then check your dimensions at the top of the tool bar. Make sure it's locked and just type in a size you want.
      • Edit.... I should have read Harry's reply first.