I understand that it's not a good idea to keep a lot of fonts in the windows/fonts directory. I'm not understanding how you would design from scratch without being able to experiment with different fonts. If the fonts aren't installed for use I don't want to have to keep going to font navigator to load/uninstall the ones I may or may not want to use for the design. Perhaps I'm not using Font Navigator properly.
I pick a line of copy and simply use the sample text feature in FN to try different fonts, they do not have to be loaded in Windows to do that.
I would like to say my memory is that good but many times the projects draw out for months, I do clean up the font folder on the local system about once a month, making sure all fonts are archived on the server. The Swiss, Times New Roman, Garamond and many others never get removed
I believe FN can install to the Windows folder if you want, I need to check.
Herein lies the issue with font managers, which is why I install with Windows.