Can't get text to fill in...

Hi. I"m trying to work the text tool in Corel X7 and am having trouble. When I type my text in, and it is highlighted, it appears to be filled in with black. Once I unhighlight it on the canvas it immediately turns white with a think black outline. I can't figure out how to just make it solid letter!? I know its something obvious but I can't find the answer. Thanks for any thoughts. Pics are attached...LG.tiffLG2.tiff

  • Don't "highlight" it. Just select it and left click on the color you want. Right click on the "X" in the color well will take the outline off.
    p.s. don't attach tiffs, better to use png.
    • hmmm. first off, i guess i should have mentioned i'm pretty unfamiliar with this program.
      i suppose i don't know the difference between "highlighting" and "selecting it". I tried clicking on it until the little box appears around it and then tried clicking on the "x" in the color well and nothing happened. what am i doing wrong?
      • That's right. Select the text then right click on the "X" to remove the outline. Left click a color in the color palette to fill with color.

        • i must be doing something wrong. or something must be locked? none of that seems to be working. for what it's worth i am working on an image that i imported into corel (as 'curves') but the text I have added new. don't know if that makes a difference...