Arc with arrows


i have a question regarding the arc-tool. Is it possible to have arrow heads at the ends of a created arc which are aligned in such a way that the tips of the arrows line up with the ends of the arc? Im using the object properties window for adding the arrow heads. Lines work just fine but when making an arc the heads go past the endpoints. Here a small example:

Arc arrow ends

  • You can edit arrowheads, though be warned, its not very intuitive. Before you do though, edit that is, take one that is closest to what you want and save it to a new preset.

    Go to Object Properties, Arrowheads, see the three dots to the right of the dropdown. Click there, and New. Unfortunately the new came you give it will be overwritten by Draw, but you'll find it right at the bottom of the list. Then you can edit it. Unfortunately theres no precision involved, indeed the units are set to pt's when they should be mm. Have a play and report back.
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