Arc with arrows


i have a question regarding the arc-tool. Is it possible to have arrow heads at the ends of a created arc which are aligned in such a way that the tips of the arrows line up with the ends of the arc? Im using the object properties window for adding the arrow heads. Lines work just fine but when making an arc the heads go past the endpoints. Here a small example:

Arc arrow ends

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  • Unfortunately, and for some mysterious reason, arrowheads on curved segments are added beyond the last node, while heads on straight lines are perfectly aligned with the tip at the node.

    If you add a node near (distance equal, or bigger, to the length of the arrowhead) the last node, and convert the "new" segment to a straight line, the arrowhead will jump into position.
    Remember to convert the new node to cusp before converting the segment to line, or the rest of the curve will move slightly.

    Not the neatest solution but maybe it will work for you.


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