Tone curve with macro, help

Hey, guys.

I'm needing to use the tone curve window often, so I plan to 'call' the Tone Curve window using a macro... would anyone have an idea how to do that?

  • If you are only interested in being able to access Tone Curve through a button, menu item, or keyboard shortcut, then that is already available using CorelDRAW's regular workspace customization. They have a Command for "Tone Curve" there under the "Bitmap" category:

    Here is that Command added to the context menu that comes up when right-clicking with a bitmap selected:

    • So... before adjusting the image I need to do other procedures and the best way is to automate the various actions in a macro to reduce as much time as possible... because, usually the image is grouped, so it stays, only with the shortcut does not change much...

    • If for some reason you do need to launch that from VBA, you could try this:

      Sub invoke_tone_curve()
          Application.FrameWork.Automation.InvokeItem "dcd97877-e11d-451f-afb5-ae8d305bf63d"
      End Sub
    • Tone curves with a macro for opening the dialog? Limits you to using Draw which is like getting cafeteria food in a restaurant.