I have just started using corel draw12.  i am extremely familiar with all of the adobe products.  Corel however is taking me a bit longer to get the hang of. Any who, i am about to start workign at a print shop and he tells me that all of the graphics have to vector images.  How would i take something from photoshop and smooth out all of the pixelation in Corel Draw12?  I have used Corel Trace and traced by advanced outline to smooth out the lines, but they are not straight.  Outlines pose me an immediate problem as well.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated and i promise i will return the favor somehow.

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  • this is what i do for a living, its safe to say that 85% of what customers bring (customers being screen printers) i have to completely redraw in corel. mainly because most images have to be six or less pantone colors to print seperations, and most images we get are all kinds of crazy. it just takes time, but you get real familiar with the app!
