Colour Separation.

I've recently started a screenprinting business dealing with just T-shirts etc. Lately I have been using Paint Shop Pro to separate all of the colours into layers manually. Does CorelDraw have a feature that would allow me to reduce an image of 1-6 colours into separate coloured layers for further editing? I have read about the print separation feature which would be ideal, is it really that simple?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Nym, the answer to your question is Yes........... The answer to that same question is No.

    Yes and No.

    I've been doing color seps for screenprinters for more than 20 years. If you're asking if Corel has an automatic Sep option, then the answer is a definite yes.

    If you're just starting out, I'm guessing that you'd be mainly interested in spot color seps. Working in Corel with vectors and a Pantone palette is a breeze.

    However, your post and your choice of working with PSP makes me think you are starting out with raster images and  4CP or simulated process work.

    This is definitely a more complicated process. Merely breaking a raster image down into separate colors isn't going to work very well translated to a tee shirt.

    Give us more information. I'm sure someone here can provide you with some valuable information and direction.
