Fades & Half Tones

Hi Guys

 I recently started working with a screen printer, re-drawing the scraps of paper his customers give him into nice clean vector art. But I am struggling with my half tones.

 What is the best was to create a half tone for screen printing?

 This is the image, it will be a one colour (white) print on a black t-shirt. I just need to get my half tones correct or it will look like crap!

 Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, Josh..........

    But if you have a Postscript printer or at least a ps driver installed (you can also use the generic device independent ps file the Corel provides), you can go into the Advanced area under the Separations Tab and change your .lpi and screen angle for your halftones.

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