Corel Draw automatically locking nodes of manually created svg document

Hello there, I have some strange issue: there are some .svg graphs which I created manually in my web app. It's not really complicated graphs with a lot of nested objects (link below).
And when I'm importing these graphs to CorelDraw some nested elements auto-locked and idk why. At the same time, if import these graphs to Inkscape then all works perfectly - nothing locked. I tried to find some patterns in code (in my code and in XML code of these graphs) which could lead to this strange problem, but I found nothing. 

Can somebody please explain me, why CorelDraw locking some of nested groups of objects in these .svg files?

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  • I don't know enough about how CorelDRAW handles SVG import to be able to suggest ways that you might change the structure of the SVG files that you are creating.

    As Myron noted, a macro in CorelDRAW might provide a way to unlock things after importing.

    When I try this on the sample files to which you linked, it seems to work:

    Sub unlock_selected_all_shapes_recursive()
        If Not ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then
            ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@com.locked = true").Unlock
            MsgBox "No document is active.", vbInformation, "unlock_selected_all_shapes_recursive()"
        End If
    End Sub