Incorrect save to svg of hatch fill

When saving a file containing objects with a (Micrografx) hatch fill:


I get the following svg-file with incomplete image:

- part of the object remains empty.

When I use "inside outline" the whole interior is filled with the color of the outline.

What to do?

Peter J. Veger, Best Netherlands

No Data
  • I don't have Technical Suite, so I am not much help.  I mostly use Draw.  Maybe by adding a response to this message it will garner more attention.  I can say looking at the svg, it contains a clipped bitmap.  Some how the hatch fill is getting rasterized and or clipped on export.

    <clipPath id="id0">
    <path d="M8385.74 4642.37l4491.18 3785.08 920.71 25.17 1317.52 -2246.41 -6173.63 -4805.15 -508.55 959.28 -1077.82 127.88 -1250.81 -622.32 -888.29 29.3 726.44 1181.37 1384.53 1898.94 1058.72 -333.14z"/>

    <image id="Gericht_x0020_Langel_x0020_und_x0020_Rheinkassel_x0020__x0028_Kurköln_x0026_Jülich_x0029_" x="5216.05" y="1401.06" width="9899.1" height="7051.56" xlink:href="data:image/png;base64  (image data)
