Why is "Join Curves" way slower in Designer 2017 than X7?

We use the Join Curves feature a lot when taking images from CAD systems to reduce the # of objects. In Designer 2017 64-bit after some use, the Join Curves operation becomes much slower to join hundreds or thousands of objects than it did in X7. Is this a bug? Designer eventually slows down and flashes the selection about 1 time per second and takes forever. Instead of a few seconds, it now takes a few minutes or hours.

Is there any way to speed it up? I was hoping upgrading to 64-bit with multiple cores would make Join Curves faster, but it's not. Join Curves only causes 25% CPU usage. It would be nice if used all CPU cores. Disabling the flickering of selection points on and off would probably help.

The Join Curves settings are:
Bezier Curve

Gap tolerance: 0.026"

Here's a sample file:6544.des

3248 objects reduces to 547 and takes about 3 minutes in Designer 2017.

This would take only several seconds on X7.

Is there a better/faster way to reduce the objects?

No Data
  • This bug still exists in Corel Designer 2017 update 1. I found a temporary workaround.

    1. Select all
    2. Scroll right or left so no part of the selection is displayed in the window
    3. Then click Apply in the Join Curves window
    4. This is much faster and zero flickering.

    Please fix this bug ASAP!
