Color Fill Box Shows wrong color

The Color Fill box on the Status Bar shows the wrong color when you use CTRL R to copy a color from another object. You can click off and click back on the object and it will show you the original color of the object, not the current color.

The Color Fill box will show correctly if you pick a color from the color docker, but if you use CTRL R to copy a color from one object to another, it will always show the objects original color.

EXAMPLE: Make three boxes or circles and fill them each with a different color. Pick one of the objects and fill it with another color. Then select the second object and use CTRL R, repeat this for the third object. Now select the second object you filled. Look at the Color Fill box and you will see the original color the box was filled with.

Using the same procedures as above will also yield the same results using the Outline Color.


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  • Yes, I can confirm that.

    The attached X7 CDR was created using the method you described. Box 3, repeated from box 2, shows the correct colour in the drawing area but the wrong colour in the status line.

    But even more interesting ... select the circle I've added, do edit > copy properties from and select that third square. The result is ... black.


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