where can I find up to date Pantone Color palettes?

is there somewhere that I can download current pantone color palettes for CoreDRAW X6?

For example, I need to use Pantone 2407 C in a drawing for a sign but that color does existing in any of my Pantone color palettes. It is in my brand new Pantone plus solid coated formula guide.

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  • Hate to make ya download X7 just for the palettes...but it does work. The location on my hard drive to copy them to, the result in X6 after that.

    BTW, Adobe still isn't shipping these V. 2 palettes last I knew. I can export them to Adobe products via Pantone Color Manager Software, so it isn't too big a deal. Unfortunately, the only Corel application it exports to is Painter. I should bug them about supporting CD as well. The Quark XML format isn't too far off and so it isn't like they need to reinvent the wheel.


