ShapeRange does not update count after deleting the last shape

Hello, I have decided to ask for some help here after not being able to figure this one out. the following is a small portion of code trying to isolate the problem. I have a shaperange with 4 guidelines, after adding the 4 guidelines to the shapeange I delete the last one but the count of the shaperange remains in 4 instead of 3. What could be wrong here:

Sub InitialGuidesTest()

Dim Xleft As Double
Dim Xright As Double
Dim Ytop As Double
Dim Ybottom As Double

Dim C As Integer
Dim OutterGuidelines As New ShapeRange


Xleft = 5
Xright = 10
Ytop = 10
Ybottom = 5

' Create new guides
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, Ybottom, ActivePage.RightX, Ybottom) ' Hor
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, Ytop, ActivePage.RightX, Ytop) ' Hor
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(Xleft, ActivePage.TopY, Xleft, ActivePage.BottomY) ' Vert
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(Xright, ActivePage.TopY, Xright, ActivePage.BottomY) ' Vert

OutterGuidelines(4).Delete ' Delete the fourth guide
C = OutterGuidelines.Count ' Get the count of guides

MsgBox C ' Display the count '(Still displays 4 instead of 3)
End Sub