Performance & Upgrade CorelDraw


Currently we are using coreldraw X3. We have Lenovo Core2duo processor with 4GB of RAM. whenever we open file (5/10MB) its taking around 5mts to open. its damn slow.Is there any options or patches to increase the performance?.
Can we able to upgrade to Corel X4if availble?. Is its a free upgrade?.




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  • Whith this computer, Corel must start in a few seconds. Try this:

    - if you have more than 400 installed fonts, uninstall all as possible

    - Check your View docker (Ctrl+F2) and if there's some "views" saved, delete it

    - Check you Styles docker (Ctrl+F5) and delete unused styles (you only need the 3 default styles) and save the Template (in the same docker) and also, save as default for new documents

    - Change the default printer in the system. Sometimes, the program check the printers when start, and this must take time if the printer os off or is not present.
