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  • How to powerclip with macro

    Making Id card setting, to right hand with 10 color shade to identify that its id card with data. And to left hand the object with the setting. I want to powerclip each color in the object.

    Here is how it should set with the final result (see image below…

  • How to powerclip with macro?

    Making setting for Id cards with macro. To right hand 10 shade to identify its id card data. To left the object to be powerclip inside.

    What im looking for with the help of macro, The id card should be powerclip inside the object automatic with 1 click…

  • Power Clip Issues: Why Is This Object Not Clipping/ Partially Clipping?

    I've had this issue a few times with Corel Draw in the past but it doesn't come up too often. I'll have an object/ shape that I want to clip/ mask other elements into but some of the elements that are clipped inside still show outside of the clip. In…

  • How to simultaneously transform an object and the one powerclipped inside of it?

    I was trying to transform, envelop and add perspective to an object and the object which is powerclipped inside of it. But I can't apply these actions to both of them at the same time. I had to transform them individually.

    Is there any way to transform…

  • convert image into powerclip

    Im looking for any Macro which can convert image into powerclip. If i select an image it should create a vector boundary around the image and insert inside the shape (powerclip). Anyway or help to create the Macro. I tried to record the macro but it did…

  • Color Styles within Powerclips ???

    I am using 2018 but would consider upgrading to 2022 if this issue is resolved in 2022?? 

    Can anyone replicate this in 2022 to see if it functions as you would think it should???

    Color Styles do not "Stick" when you copy and paste a powerclipped object…

  • How do I convert a Power Clip object and weld it to text or another object?

    PROBLEM: How do I take a Power Clip, covert to an object to weld it?

    I've recently upgraded from CorelDRAW Suite X3 to 2021. I used a tutorial involving the use of Power Clip. However, did not realize until later that through wireframe that this is an…

  • I want to powerclip 1000 images through macro

    I have 1000 images placed on top of each other in a .cdr file. There is a grid 32x32 of 1024 cells in the same document file. I want to poweclip these images in that grid using a macro. When I run the macro I get runtime error even on first image. Please…

  • Select extracted powerclip contents

    Hello I am new to the Macros/Scripts and overall VBA .

    but for several days i have been trying to do easy macro:

    3mm outside contour (with same fill and outline as object that is creating outline from)


    extract all objects from powerclip from…

  • Relief Effect

    Just experimenting with something different.

  • Move PowerClip Toolbar?

    In testing the trial version of CDR 2021, I noticed the PowerClip toolbar is now all the way on the top left of the screen whereas it was conveniently directly below the PowerClip in CDR 2018. 

    Is there a way to move the PowerClip toolbar in 2021, or am…

  • How to enable that right-dragging an object in the objects browser adds it in a powerclip ?


    I recently moved from X6 to 2020.

    In Draw X6, there was that handy feature in the objects browser, of dragging an object with the right button onto a power clip to add it to that powerclip.

    How to activate that feature in Draw2020 ? The same movement…

  • powerclip printing

    when i go tot print a powerclip which has several effects eg overlays they don't print correctly. is there a setting I am missing or can change to make the power clip save the settings correctly?

  • Why does PowerClip convert RGB colors to CMYK?

    When I place an RGB or VersaWorks colored item in a PowerClip in CorelDraw 2019, and exit the PowerClip, the color dropper always shows that from the outside, the color has been converted to CMYK. I've noticed that during export, it stays that was as…

  • Create Boxes Across Selection Macro

    I create large "cooler wraps" that I mount to 8' sections of coroplast. Here's what the finished result looks like in the store.

    I've been looking around the forums and came across a couple of macros and I put them together to get…

  • Macro for find transparency doesn't work for powerclipped objects.

    I have wrote macro to find transparency but it can't find object within powerclip.

    here is my code.

    Function FindTransparency2()
    Dim s As Shape
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
    Dim n As Long
    n = 0
    Set sr = ActivePage.FindShapes.All
    n = n + CountMergeMode(sr)

  • Powerclip Macro

    I'm looking for a macro that can automatically Powerclip for me.

    I tried recording my steps but I was getting bugs, and it wouldn't complete the steps.

    Here's a video on the steps that I take to Powerclip my layouts.

    Any help would be great…

  • Corel performance issue


    I have tried the below scenarion on multiple Corel versions and all versions have the same performance issue.

    As soon as I use power clip Corel starts to be non-responsive and the work slows down significantly, this depends on number of power clips…

  • Removing select object from Power clip.

    When there are multiple objects frames inside, how to remove only a particular object?

  • How to find power clip tool ?


    I making my banner design and need to use the power clip tool for my design.

    I find it more but I can't find me. I power clip my custom cosmetic boxes images into a custom shape.

    I use my Corel Draw X8 for making my banner design.

    Kindly anyone…

  • Feature Request - Convert to Bitmap inside Powerclip

    At present if I select objects which are inside a power-clip using alt+click from outside power-clip, the option convert to bitmap (Bitmap Menu->Convert to Bitmap) is grayed out. I have to go inside the power-clip and then I am able to convert the object…

  • Possible PowerClip related issue

    Can please someone verify:

    a) create a rectangle

    b) convert to curves

    c) create a circle

    d) Use PowerClip - Place Inside Frame to place the circle inside the rectangle

    e) Double click into the rectangle to start the shape tool. The rectangle shows nodes…

  • Please, I do not want to see external content when inside PowerClip.

    The viewing process is very slow with this feature enabled. In the 2018 version it was solved in the following way:

    Close CorelDraw.
    Open regedit.exe and locate the following path:
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Corel\CorelDRAW\17.0\Draw\Application Preferences…

  • Powerclip onto an Outline?

    Is there any way in any version of CorelDraw to make it so that a powerclip covers the outline, not just the fill? Specifically, we sometimes will powerclip a bitmap overlay onto text, but we want it to cover the fill and the text's outline at the same…

  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018 freezes while completing the edit of a Powerclip.

    CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018 freezes while completing the edit of a Powerclip

    Hi, i am using Corel from Version 5 till date.

    I am facing this problem only from X7 and i have installed my new "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018" today, and this same…

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