Importing / Opening PDF file results in incorrect image dimensions

I have files that have been created in a CAD Program and exported to PDF.  When I attempt to import the PDF file into CorelDraw the dimensions of the drawing are not correct.  They are not the same dimension that it was drawn at.  What am I doing wrong?  Are there settings that need to be specified on import?

  • Are the dimensions correct if you view or print the PDF in a PDF viewer?

    I'll guess they probably are not, but either way the fix -- assuming the error is constant -- would be to import the file and then:

    • select one of the larger objects
    • determine its current size from the toolbar
    • calculate the ratio which you need to increase or decrease the object to make it the right size
    • select all objects
    • use the toolbar to multiply or divide the overall width and height by the above ratio (you can calculate in the toolbar and lock width and height together so that they both scale together)

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