Replace Existing Text w/ New Text

I've been working on this code... But I need input!

You know how you work on a code so long you're brain fries? Well that's where I am. I feel this should be easy but leave it to me to make thing complicated.

Okay - I have existing text on page. I select text on page, type new text in textbox and click "add to page" Which should add to page OR if text is selected replace text with new text.

ISSUE : Code replaces anything I have selected. If I have a rectangle selected it will be replaced with new text. I only need the code to do 2 things. Add to page if nothing is selected OR replace live text if live text is selected.


    Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
        sr.GetPosition X, Y
    Optimization = True
    Set textShape = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(ActiveLayer.Page.CenterX, 0, TextBox.Text, 0, cdrCharSetMixed, , 40)
    On Error Resume Next
        textShape.Text.Story.font = ListAllFonts
        textShape.Text.Story.Size = sr(1).Text.Story.Size
        textShape.Fill.UniformColor = sr(1).Fill.UniformColor
        textShape.Text.Story.CharSpacing = 15
        textShape.Text.Story.WordSpacing = 100

    If sr.Count = 1 Then ' here might be my issue? I don't know...
        textShape.SetPosition X, Y
        textShape.AlignAndDistribute 3, 3, 2, 0, False, 2
    End If

  • Maybe code below can help

    Sub ReplaceText()
    Dim txtFIND As String 
    Dim txtREPLACE As String 'The new word to replace the old
    Dim p As Page
    If ActiveShape.Type <> cdrTextShape Then ActiveDocument.AddPages (1): Exit Sub
    txtFIND = ActiveShape.Text.Selection
    txtREPLACE = InputBox("New text", "Enter text", "")
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
    p.TextReplace txtFIND, txtREPLACE, True, False
    Next p
    End Sub

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