PAID: CorelDraw Macro to export XML file from CorelDraw X8 (or x6)

We need a Macro for CorelDraw X8 (or X6) that will export to an XML file defining 2 lines of text and the coordinates of each character on the page. The page is 4" x 2" and the text will be located in the lower third of the page. The Fonts are (Arial and Arial Narrow 18 point). This is for iStamp software that drives a foil letter stamping machine.

iStamp sent us the attached PDF file to use as a guide.

This is a paid project.


  • I must confess I do not understand very well what exactly needed, even looking at pdf file...

    So, can you post a corel file containing a sample text (with more lines, if this is the case) and xml necessary file to be the output? Even if it is created manually by somebody knowing the real need of the stamping machine... Can you ask that to iStamp?

    Is that 'specification' made based on the machine written requirements or by somebody really knowing the machine needs, knowing also something about Corel?

    In addition to that:

    The text may contain only one row? And for each so named 'line' there is an Artistic Text? Or Artistic Text may contain many lines?

    All the text of an Artistic Text will contain the same font and size for all characters? If the text is bold or italic it doesn't matter? If matters, in which tag and how to fill this piece of information?

    Where from the information regarding the 'foil' color parameter will be taken? Should the application ask and somebody will fill it? Directly or selecting a text from a ComboBox?

    If the jpg/png/bmp file containing the picture of the text to be stamped will have an element containing its path, where in the XML file to be that element and how to be named?

    Which is the meaning of the next request?: "In addition, any control information that would be helpful to the operator (account number, order number, number of tags, due date, tag type code, etc.) could be included and displayed to the operator." Al this pieces of information should be contained in the XML file? If yes from where the application should take the information (except due date)? If not, in which phase and how to be they filled? 

    Should this application be used in Order Entry having an interface where the operator will manually introduce 'account number', 'order number'? That ''numbers of tags' does refer to line numbers? If not what does it mean? What  does 'tag type code' mean?

    If the two linked files cannot be provided, at least clarification about the rest of the issues should be necessary before starting such a project... And you will test the code and resulted file according to your needs and give feedback. 

    If I will understand all that I will maybe take it like a challenge and I will do it for free...

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