Missing options for automatic SVG export

Hi all,

I hope I can get some help here in this more specific forum.

I'm trying to automatically export SVGs for my Designer files. The macro works fine apart from the fact that I cannot handle all of the export options. I cannot tell Designer that I want bitmaps to be embedded and that I want text to be exported as text. Or did I miss some members of the StructExportOptions object? Is there another way to automatically achieve this?

Thanks for your help.



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  • Hello Nicole,

    Hopefully this will help you out. The settings for embedded bitmap and export as text are in the ExportFilter. So you should be able to do something like this:

    Sub ExportToSVG()
        Dim sr As ShapeRange
        Dim expflt As ExportFilter
        Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
        Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx("C:\Users\Shelby\Desktop\Test.svg", cdrSVG, cdrSelection)
        With expflt
            .Version = 1
            .TextAsCurves = False
            .EmbedFont = False
            .BmpExportType = 2
            .EmbedImages = True
        End With
    End Sub

    I did code this in CorelDRAW, but DESIGNER is very similar so it should be pretty close.


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