Using CreateOnScreenText to Show information.

I was trying to find a way for CorelDRAW to show me the sizes of the selected shape, so I've done the following macro, but nothing show's.
I was trying to use the OnScreenText, so every time the Selection Changes the value gets updated.

Private Sub GlobalMacroStorage_SelectionChange()

    Dim sr As ShapeRange
    Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
    Dim t As String
    t = sr.SizeWidth & " * " & sr.SizeHeight
    Application.CreateOnScreenText.SetTextAndPosition t, sr.PositionX, sr.PositionY, cdrCenterOnScreenText, 0.5, 0.5
    Application.CreateOnScreenText.SetTextColor (RGB(0, 0, 255))
End Sub

Any help would be appreciated.