Phantom Type Libraries in Excel References

I'm looking to make a program in Excel VBA that interacts with CorelDRAW via OLE and the COM.

Issue is, even with the proper objects, syntax, and selected references, Excel refuses to accept my code, which looks a little something like this:

Sub mySubroutine(ByRef inArray As Variant)
     Dim cdrApp As CorelDRAW.Application
     Set cdrApp = CreateObject("CorelDRAW.Application")

     'Lots of irrelevant code here

End Sub
When I try to compile, I get "Runtime error '-2147418113': class not registered" if I try to define cdrApp as just Object I get
another error when I create the object.

Here's where things get really weird. Obviously, something is wrong with my references. So, I go in and I have "Corel - CorelDRAW 24.5 Type
Library" and "CorelDRAW - Vector Graphics Core 24.5 Type Library" (the required libraries) plus some others selected. But I notice that I
have two duplicate libraries, one for CorelDRAW and one for PHOTO-PAINT. When I try to select these libraires I get "Error in loading DLL."
Additionally, I realized that the file locations of these "Phantom" libraries do not exist.

  • The file location of the working CorelDRAW 24.5 Type Library is 
c:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics...\Programs64\TypeLibs\DrawPE.tlb
  • The file location of the one that's not working is
c:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics...\Programs64\TypeLibs\CorelDRAW.tlb

Also, here's a screenshot of the file location. Though it doesn't show it, just know CorelDRAW.tlb is absent.

The same issue is affecting the Corel PHOTO-PAINT library.
  • Working Address: c:\Program Files...\Programs64\TypeLibs\PPPE.tlb
  • Phantom Address: c:\Program Files...\Programs64\TypeLibs\CorelPP.tlb
PPPE.tlb exists at the given location. CorelPP.tlb does not.

Here's a list of things I have tried to resolve this issue (none worked):
- Made a bunch of tweaks to my code, including changing objects to VGCore objects
- Repaired, uninstalled, reinstalled Corel programs
- installed Corel programs on a 2nd computer

- Repaired, uninstalled, reinstalled Microsoft Office
- Checked windows registry to see how CorelDRAW registered things (although I admit I really didn't know what I was looking at or for)
- Had Corel 2nd level support download my company's edition of CorelDRAW to test it in a virtual machine

I've been stuck on this for a month. Please, help.

Lastly, I accidentally originally posted this in the code snippets feedback forum. If this duplicates itself, let me know and I will
delete the duplicate. I tried to move the original over but from what I can tell it got blocked. Thanks.