Using vsta macros on a different computer?

Hello All,

I programmed some c# macros, i would like to use them on a other computer also running the same corel version. When i import them there i get an error from windows sdk. Does anyone know what is needed to use vsta macros on computers without a full visual studio version? I do not have to edit them only run.

thanks in advance,


  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    I have had many problems with vgcore dll versions, maybe this is your problem, my sugertion.
    Convert yours c# macro to a addon project in visual studio.Use my template for this:
    Transport this project to client machine.
    Edit csprojet file vgcore reference path to client vgcore path
    Compile the project in client machine using msbuild do .net framework.
    msbuild command:
    {windowsPath}\\framework(64)\{version}\msbuild.exe {ProjetPath-slnFile} /p:Configuration={X7 Release or X8 Release or 2017 Release or 2018 Release}
    Replace {comands}
    Msbuild in .net framework is very limited compared visualstudio msbuild, you can't use the newer c# syntax sugar

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