Hi everybody,
I have a bit of a problem. When I export selection to jpeg using menu File/Export, it creates EXIF header in JPEG, which I use later for database processing. It puts keyword, subject and notes information there. We have order number stored there.
I want to make exports faster, so I have created macro for export. But when I export using that macro, there is no EXIF information in JPEG. Is there some way to change this behavior ?
Thanks a lot
EDIT : I am using CorelDraw 2019
Script is like this :
Dim cesta As String Dim opt As New StructExportOptions Dim OriginalFileName As String Dim expflt As ExportFilter cesta = "M:\CORELDAT 2019\_email\" + CStr(Year(Date)) + "\" ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch opt.AntiAliasingType = cdrNormalAntiAliasing opt.ImageType = cdrRGBColorImage opt.Overwrite = True opt.ResolutionX = 300 opt.ResolutionY = 300 opt.SizeX = opt.ResolutionX * ActiveSelectionRange.SizeWidth opt.SizeY = opt.ResolutionY * ActiveSelectionRange.SizeHeight ' save before export, so you do not suffer when cdrw crashes ActiveDocument.Save
OriginalFileName = Left(ActiveDocument.FileName, Len(ActiveDocument.FileName) - 4) + ".jpg" Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(cesta + OriginalFileName, cdrJPEG, cdrSelection, opt)
With expflt .Compression = 80 .Optimized = True .Smoothing = 50 .SubFormat = 1 .Progressive = False .Finish End With