Help to find a font

Hi i am looking for a macro that can find a specific font being used on which page of my document. Please help

  • I agree with FaneDuru that the requirements are a little fague. So here is what I came up with.

    I created a custom docker that begins with some instructions and a single button:

    Image of quickFindFont Docker

    As the instructions state, you select a line of text that is the font you wish to search for and click Find Font. The docker then scans the entire document and returns all the text shapes that contain that font:

    Image of quickFindFont Full Docker

    The first line after the button shows what Font is being searched for.  

    After that you have a list of Text that the docker found that contains the font. The list shows what page the text is on. 

    The list item also shows if the text is in a Powerclip or if it is in a line of text that has multiple fonts. These not noted by the tags: [Multi Font] and (Powerclip)

    If you click on an item in the list, it takes you to that page in the document and selects the Text

    That is what I have working so far. I see some room for improvement. 

    First, as you will see some text items might be very long text. I may want to limit the number of characters that I am showing. 

    If it is a Multi Font string of text I was thinking about bolding the text is the string that is of the font being searched for. That would make it much easier to identify.

    What else am I missing?


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