Find and handle a ArtisticText from a selection

how i can find and replace a text from an active selection?

In my example it is "|Label|"

I work in C#


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  • There are a couple ways that you can do this. If you have named your shape "|Label|" then you can just look for the shape by name like this:

                corel.Shape s = corelApp.ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShape("|Label|");
                s.Text.Story.Text = "New Text";

    If you have not named your shape and want to look at the Text itself you can use a little CQL Query to find it like this:

                corel.Shape s = corelApp.ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShape(Query: "@type ='text:artistic' and @com.text.story.text = '|Label|'");
                s.Text.Story.Text = "New Text";

    Happy coding, 

