Avoid step on copy properties

Hi all. Is there a way to fix these cheks so you can avoid the confirmation button?

I mean a way to configure copy properties of line color and fill only once and avoid the confirmation step any time I want to copy these properties.

On repetitive task it means a lot of cliks.

Thanks in advance.

  • You could try using a macro. This one copies the fill, outline color and outline pen properties from the last-selected object in the selection to the other objects in the selection

    Sub copy_properties_fill_and_outline()
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
    Dim sToCopyFrom As Shape
        If Not ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then
            Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
            If sr.Count > 1 Then
                Set sToCopyFrom = sr.FirstShape
                sr.Remove sr.IndexOf(sToCopyFrom)
                sr.CopyPropertiesFrom sToCopyFrom, cdrCopyFill
                sr.CopyPropertiesFrom sToCopyFrom, cdrCopyOutlineColor
                sr.CopyPropertiesFrom sToCopyFrom, cdrCopyOutlinePen
                MsgBox "Two or more objects must be selected.", vbExclamation, "Copy Fill and Outline"
            End If
            MsgBox "No document is active.", vbExclamation, "Copy Fill and Outline"
        End If
    End Sub
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